Recruitment closed! We will announce the results on July 18.
Thank you for the record breaking number of applications and submitted videos! We guarantee that our tutors are getting to work today. We want them to have enough time to honestly assess your interpretations, so we will announce the recruitment results on July 18 at 12:00 ...
You will find them on our website but also in your e-mail box. Everyone who have sent us the required recordings will receive an e-mail message. If you won’t find any message from us in your inbox on July 18, please remember to check your spam folder. Sometimes important messages also land there. In case of any doubts or if our e-mail notification don’t reach you, please write to us at: – we will reply as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, as we all wait for the recruitment results, we encourage you to complete a short, anonymous recruitment survey. Share your comments with us, tell us how you found out about our youth orchestra and show us what we can improve to make ILYO even more open to young musicians from all over the world.
You can find the survey here:
Thank you very much in advance for your feedback!
Meanwhile, as we all wait for the recruitment results, we encourage you to complete a short, anonymous recruitment survey. Share your comments with us, tell us how you found out about our youth orchestra and show us what we can improve to make ILYO even more open to young musicians from all over the world.
You can find the survey here:
Thank you very much in advance for your feedback!

08-07-2022, 13:41:29